
Geotechnical Investigation or Soil Testing (Particle Size, Specific Gravity, Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, MDD/OMC, California Bearing Ration, Triaxial Shear, Direct Shear, Permeability, Consolidation, Swell Index, Field Compaction, Field SPT, SBC and Settlement) etc.

Testing of Concrete Mix Design, Concrete Water Permeability etc

Testing of Coarse & Fine Aggregate (Sleve Analysis, Flakiness, Elongation, Deleterious Materials, Specific Gravity, Water Absorption, Impact Value, Crushing Value, 10% Fine Value, Abrasion Value, Bulk Density, Soundness-Na2SO4 & MgSO4, Alkali Reactivity, Petrography, Stone Polishing) etc.

Testing of Cement & Fly Ash (Fineness by Blaine, Soundness, Consistency, Setting Time, Compressive Strength, Chemical Analysis) etc.

Testing of Brick, Paver Block, Concrete Cube/Beam/Core (Dimension, Efflorescence, Abrasion Test, Water Absorption, Compressive Strength, Flexural Strength) etc.

Testing of TMT Steel (Ultimate Tensile, Yield Stress, Elongation, Mass, Bend, Rebend, Chemical) etc.

Testing of GSB, WMM, WBM, ACC Block, Concrete Block, Stone, Tiles, Bitumen, Emulsion, etc.

Testing of Job Mix Formula for BM, BC, DBM, SDBM, SDBC, SDAC, Mastic Asphalt, etc.

Testing Rock Materials, Bentonite, Moorum, etc.

Testing of Construction Water, Drinking Water, etc.

Total Station Survey for Proposed Buildings, Road and Bridge.

Non-Destructive Services (Rebound Hammer, Ultrasonic Puise Velocity- UPV, Pile Integrity - PIT, Concrete Core Cutting & Testing, Pile Load, Plate Load, Earth Resistivity-ERT) etc.

Soil investigation must be undertaken to determine the bearing capacity of the soil, its settlement rate and the position of the water table. One of the easiest methods is to dig trial pits and visual inspections carried out then samples with minimum disturbance are collected for subsequent laboratory testing.