Washing Machine Repair Technician Courses

| Washing Machine Repair Technician Courses

Washing machine designs vary widely, but there are some things that all washers have in common. For example, all washers have an electric motor. All washers have both spin and agitate cycles. And since both cycles are driven by the same electric motor, all washers have some sort of mechanism to change between the two.

All washers must also have a way of filling the tub with wash water and away of draining out used wash water.And incidental to this, all washers must have a way of controlling water level in the tub, to prevent spillage by overfill or by centrifugal force during the spin cycle.All washers must (by law) have a mechanism that brakes the spinning basket at the end of the spin cycle, or else a lid lock to prevent the lid from being opened during or shortly after the spin cycle.And last but not least, all washers must have a timer that controls and coordinates the start, stop and duration of the various cycles.2-1 CYCLES FILL CYCLE